Welcome To EcomniSuite

Dan Daniels

Dan Daniels

Welcome To EcomniSuite

What We Do….

Our email automation service for ecommerce stores is designed to take your brand to the next level. With our expertise and proven strategies, we help you generate an additional 10-30% of backend revenue.

While other agencies like ours may make extravagant claims of delivering 40% or higher increases, we consistently observe these figures to be inflated and unreliable. Our unique approach, on the other hand, prioritizes honesty and realism right from the start, ensuring transparency and integrity in our client relationships.

We offer a range of time-tested automations tailored specifically for your store, as well as custom broadcast campaigns that are designed to maximize sales potential. By using our service, you can unlock the full revenue potential of your online store and watch your business thrive.

Ready for the best part? We do everything for you, meaning it’s easier to concentrate on all the other urgent tasks that are constantly coming up when running a busy ecommerce store. We have a genuine understanding of this subject, having both ran seven-figure stores prior to establishing EcomniSuite.

Six figures email marketing with a store in the UK

For a full, detailed case study of our work with the above brand you can click here.

As an ecommerce store owner, you know how crucial it is to generate consistent revenue. However, manually managing email campaigns to drive sales can be time-consuming and overwhelming.

You're missing out on potential revenue because you don't have the resources or expertise to effectively automate your email marketing efforts. Sending personalized and targeted broadcast emails to your customers is essential for maximizing conversions and revenue.

89 sales with 1 broadcast!

Our email automation service is specifically designed for ecommerce brands just like yours. We handle the setup of proven and effective automation flows, as well as create customized broadcast campaigns tailored to your brand.

With our service, you can effortlessly increase your revenue by an additional 10-30% without the stress and hassle of managing everything yourself. Let us help you unlock the full potential of your ecommerce store and make you more money - on autopilot.

We’d love to speak to you - please feel free to contact us and/or book a call here.